







在跟日本客戶應對往來時,當人家給予讚美時怎麼回應真的是一門學問。如果太過於NO又會有非常不禮貌的那種失禮感; 但如果單純說謝謝,基本上這個方式肯定是可以但絕對少見。如何回的得體又不失格調,同時讓所有人在這個對話之中舒服自在,這個在商業往來上非常常用的「至らぬ点も多々あるかと思いますが」慣用句,肯定是值得好好去琢磨一番。















「大丈夫」根本已經是台灣國民等級的沒問題,阿公阿嬤計程車的司機市場的大媽都會講了吧😆 也因此才想分享這個在商用日文上好用神句「問題ございません」。絕對是會讓你在商務應對上更顯得專業、成熟的加分好句~






比起感謝大家其實好像更重視怎麼道歉。所以致歉的文章比較熱門~ 但我很想跟大家傳達其實都到了要道歉的程度,如何在日常溝通之中好好的說謝謝,應該也才是長遠之計。而這也是我跟日方交流的最大秘訣😊

























【日文單字】顧問Consulting 用語集

【日文單字】顧問Consulting 用語集


【日文單字】金融業 用語集

【日文單字】金融業 用語集


【日文單字】製藥.藥材 用語集

【日文單字】製藥.藥材 用語集





【日文單字】IT業 用語集

【日文單字】IT業 用語集

一直想著有機會的時候要來把記事本小筆記放到這裡跟大家分享的日文業種別單字用語集~ 然後終於也還是要可喜可賀的在疫情緩下來的此刻,有機會把他放上來了🙏🙏🙏🙏 一共會有12個產業分類用語集,會盡量趁現在把他全部都整理出來分享給大家❤️

【日文單字】製造業 用語集

【日文單字】製造業 用語集




好的這篇雖然是被歸類在商務日文~ 但是是我覺得程度上來說比較好吸收的、親近的。然而只有44句~但都是一句都是超級短、只存在10個音節左右😆



這篇一樣就是盡量以高含金量、精簡的概念, 分享在寫日文書信時會讓人有點頭痛的開頭與結語精華給大家😊









最近跟日方文書往來上不論是自己收到、或者是我個人寫給日方的信件之中,其實話題上除了肯定都繞著疫情打轉之外, 最後的結語也絕對都是寫著期望疫情早日平息的祝福語。這篇我想絕對會是一篇很實用的書信往來範例文章😊






「収束」跟「終息」由於兩個都同樣是「しゅうそく」唸法,相信大家也很常在各種新聞或是與日方的書信往來中,最近這個字句肯定是top3 2021常用語了。不曉得大家有沒有跟我有同樣的疑惑呢😆

【個人成長】從生命彩光中找到快樂的天命- 身體色彩- 橙色(3)

【個人成長】從生命彩光中找到快樂的天命- 身體色彩- 橙色(3)


【個人成長】從生命彩光中找到快樂的天命- 身體生命色彩- 紅色(2)

【個人成長】從生命彩光中找到快樂的天命- 身體生命色彩- 紅色(2)


【個人成長】從生命彩光中找到快樂的天命- 生命色彩問卷(1)

【個人成長】從生命彩光中找到快樂的天命- 生命色彩問卷(1)

你可以直接去讀14種生命色彩的敘述,也許你可以找出自己或親友的生命色彩或組合色彩。 做完問卷來檢視也能讓你對於你的生命色彩類型與個性有更全面性的了解。 統計14個生命色彩的總計分數,最下方會公布你的該數字所對應的色彩為何😊

【個人成長】從生命彩光中找到快樂的天命- The Beginning(0)

【個人成長】從生命彩光中找到快樂的天命- The Beginning(0)

潘蜜拉比一般靈媒更具超能力,可以看到14種生命彩光,而一般只有七種。更可以看到11種組合色彩。 她風靡美國近30年(欸抖到現在來說可以是五十年了好強,我都還沒出生🥺),教導無數學員從氣場光環中發現自我選擇的天命,在自己的光環上開發特殊的力量與智慧,讓自己過得更快樂、更圓滿。




























【個人成長】從生命彩光中找到快樂的天命- 心靈色彩-邏輯棕色(6)

【個人成長】從生命彩光中找到快樂的天命- 心靈色彩-邏輯棕色(6)


【個人成長】從生命彩光中找到快樂的天命- 身體色彩- 黃色(5)

【個人成長】從生命彩光中找到快樂的天命- 身體色彩- 黃色(5)


【個人成長】從生命彩光中找到快樂的天命- 身體色彩- 洋紅色(4)

【個人成長】從生命彩光中找到快樂的天命- 身體色彩- 洋紅色(4)


【Personal Growth 】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal-The Questionnaire (1)

【Personal Growth 】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal-The Questionnaire (1)

Here comes the most important part: the life color questionnaire. This will give you a general feeling of the personality type of each aura color. Then, after taking the quiz, total the number of times that you answered yes in each category.

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal-The Beginning(0)

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal-The Beginning(0)

I feel grateful to sort out some part of this book words by words, and will feel the most pleasure to help you have a way to view yourself deeply by the life color questionnaire and the explanation from your very special color. The information will let you know better about your personality, your key to successful relationships, and your talent for money, and your Career. Which sounds wonderful isn't it!

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, What The Colors In Your Aura Reveal- Emotional  Life Color - INDIGO(15)

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, What The Colors In Your Aura Reveal- Emotional Life Color - INDIGO(15)

The following are descriptions of Indigo Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Emotional Life Color - CRYSTAL (14)

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Emotional Life Color - CRYSTAL (14)

The following are descriptions of Crystal Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Emotional Life Color - LAVENDER (13)

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Emotional Life Color - LAVENDER (13)

The following are descriptions of Lavender Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Emotional Life Color -VIOLET (12)

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Emotional Life Color -VIOLET (12)

The following are descriptions of Violet Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Emotional Life Color -BLUE (11)

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Emotional Life Color -BLUE (11)

The following are descriptions of Blue Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Mental Life Color - GREEN (10)

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Mental Life Color - GREEN (10)

The following are descriptions of Green Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Mental Life Color -ABSTRACT TAN (9)

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Mental Life Color -ABSTRACT TAN (9)

The following are descriptions of Abstract Tan Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Mental Life Color - SENSITIVE TAN (8)

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Mental Life Color - SENSITIVE TAN (8)

The following are descriptions of Sensitive Tan Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Mental Life Color - ENVIRONMENTAL TAN (7)

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Mental Life Color - ENVIRONMENTAL TAN (7)

The following are descriptions of Environmental Tan Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Mental Life Color - LOGIC TAN(6)

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Mental Life Color - LOGIC TAN(6)

The following are descriptions of Logic Tan Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Physical Life Color - MAGENTA (5)

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Physical Life Color - MAGENTA (5)

The following are descriptions of magenta Life Colors . Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Physical Life Color - YELLOW (4)

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Physical Life Color - YELLOW (4)

The following are descriptions of yellow Life Colors.Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Physical Life Color - ORANGE(3)

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Physical Life Color - ORANGE(3)

The following are descriptions of orange aura Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal-Physical Life Color-RED(2)

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal-Physical Life Color-RED(2)

The following are descriptions of Red aura Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.