【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Mental Life Color - SENSITIVE TAN (8)

【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Mental Life Color - SENSITIVE TAN (8)


(The description here is not the full version of the book: Relationships,Occupation, Problem solving,Sex,Parents, Children etc.

If you look for further information, please check on the official website and go buy the book!😊)

Thank you for the beautiful author Pamala again to bring this amazing work to the world ❤️


Sensitive Tans are the bridge between the mental colors and the emotional colors.

Their auras are a combination of a light tan color with a light blue band next to it that encircles the body.

Their personalities are a subtle combination of the mental Tan qualities and the emotional Blue qualities. 

Sensitive Tans combine the characteristics of mental, analytical logic with loving and intuitive compassion.

These gentle personalities are quiet, sensitive, and supportive.

They prefer, like Logical Tans, to maintain a rational, intellectual foundation while they analytically process data.

They are more emotional and intuitive than Logical Tans, however, but they tend to keep their feelings to themselves.

When a problem arises, Sensitive Tans will retreat inside to figure out the most practical solution. 

Like their Logical Tan counterparts, Sensitive Tans desire security and stability.

Their homes are important to them.

They can become very attached to their possessions, to everything from their furniture to the family pictures on the wall. Although their families are the most important element in their lives,

Sensitive Tans also love the comfort and security of knowing they have things around them. 

These loving personalities, although sensitive and emotional, are not quite as emotional as Blues.

When facing conflict, they tend to remain more rational and calm than Blues do.

Blues tend to wear their emotions on their sleeves and can experience strong mood shifts

between deep depression and euphoria, Sensitive Tans are less dramatic with their ups and downs.

Sensitive Tans may lose their center momentarily, but they are quick to regain their composure.

Nor is the mental-versus-emotional battle of Sensitive Tans as pronounced or as intense as

that of the Blue/ Green Combination Colors.

Sensitive Tans’ emotional waves are more like those in a pond or a lake than those in an ocean. 

These serene people can be great secretaries and other support personnel

because they love to calmly help people while taking care of details.

They tend to be withdrawn and shy, so they prefer less conspicuous jobs.

They feel the safest and calmest taking care of details in the office — bookkeeping, filing, typing, or answering the phone. (Some Sensitive Tans can be intimidated by the fast-paced pressure of a busy switchboard.

Others, however, can be calm and patient, methodically handling each call without becoming traumatized.) 

Sensitive Tans send quiet, nurturing energy to people.

They have a calm sense about them when they are helping people.

They can be very efficient therapists because they are sincere and patient listeners.

They deduce answers based on data as well as on intuition.

Sensitive Tans often put others’ needs before their own. They are extraordinarily unselfish.

They are delightfully modest hosts and hostesses.

They do not overwhelm their guests with hospitality the way Blues frequently do.

Their personalities are subtler. Sensitive Tans are so patient,

understanding, and calm that they are typically compatible with everyone. 

Sensitive Tans are service-oriented humanitarians.

They love serving their communities and organizations dedicated to helping people.

Their idea of God or of religion is essentially that people should be honest and good,

love one another, and treat one another with compassion, patience, and understanding.

By teaching these concepts, Sensitive Tans help people to create peace and harmony in their homes,

their communities, and, therefore, the world. 

Although Sensitive Tans are intuitive, much like Blues, they also want facts and data to support what they feel.

Their ability to sometimes support their intuition with common sense and logic helps people trust them

and feel secure with their advice. Together, their logic and intuition create a healthy balance. 

However, these two aspects can also create conflict for Sensitive Tans.

They may get a feeling or an intuitive sense of something and then analyze it to the point that they no longer trust their intuition. They can experience persistent arguments in their heads.

Their Tan aspect leans toward accepting the apparent physical evidence;

their Blue aspect feels that something may be true even when there is no data to support the feelings.

As an example, a Sensitive Tan may see her employer arranging a business deal with a client.

All the facts and figures are checked out.

The transaction appears to be running according to the established system,

but the Sensitive Tan has an odd feeling something is wrong.

She doesn’t have any data or facts to support her feelings, and just continues typing up the paperwork.

Later, when the business deal falls through, she feels that if she had just trusted her instincts,

she may have been able to search for and uncover the problem. 

To stay in power, Sensitive Tans need to trust their intuition and not depend just on the apparent facts.

Using both their inner and outer faculties will keep them balanced and enable them to make calm, clear decisions.

To live their greatest potential, Sensitive Tans should attend to their own needs, not just the needs of others.

Nurturing and supporting themselves will help them maintain their positive energy

and keep them from being taken advantage of by other people. 

Problem Solving 

When solving problems, Sensitive Tans want to calmly review all the facts

and then take everyone else’s feelings and preferences into consideration before making a decision.

As much as possible, Sensitive Tans want to make sure everyone is happy with the solution.

They do not want to be rushed or forced into making snap decisions,

preferring instead to have time to weigh all the facts and hear all sides of the problem. 

Sensitive Tans will never force their opinions or advice upon anyone.

They have an inherent trust that good will come of most situations.

They believe that people are basically good and loving. 

When in power, Sensitive Tans calmly and rationally come up with a solution that combines

the most practical answer with the one that makes people feel the best.

They have the ability to reason with everyone so that discussions don’t escalate into emotionally heated fights.

They are natural mediators and peacemakers.

They make people around them feel as if they are all winners. 

Although sometimes frustrated by the slow pace of Sensitive Tans’ decision-

making processes, people usually trust their decisions and advice

because they know everything has been well thought out before the conclusion was reached. 

Out of power, Sensitive Tans can become so emotionally caught up in the situation that their common sense is blurred,

causing them to be unable to make any decisions.

Out of power, Sensitive Tans stop trusting their intuitive, inner knowing.

Consequently, they stop using all their abilities to make a decision. 


Money is important to Sensitive Tans only because it provides them and their families with security and stability.

Sensitive Tans want enough money to pay the bills, buy decent clothes for their children,

buy moderately priced yet comfortable furniture for their homes, and occasionally go out to dinner. 

Sensitive Tans are very cautious with their money.

They want savings accounts and safe investments.

Not being gamblers or risk-takers, they feel more secure when they know they have nest eggs.

They want money tucked away for the children’s college education or for family emergencies. 

These Tans believe it takes time to build financial reserves.

They don’t usually have the abundant financial assets that Greens have,

nor do they have the outrageous number of debts that Greens usually have.

Greens can risk a lot of money to make a lot of money.

Sensitive Tans prefer the quiet security of building their financial foundations slowly and steadily. 

Sensitive Tans frequently take positions such as secretaries, bookkeepers, clerks, and receptionists —

jobs in which the income can be steady, but not always high paying.

Often Sensitive Tans have discontinued their education to raise families.

When returning to the workforce, many take jobs that do not require a college education and typically do not pay well. 


Sensitive Tans’ priorities are serving their families and their communities with love and integrity.

They prefer to deal with life in a calm, rational, and sensitive manner.

If they feel they are providing their families with love and security,

teaching goodness and compassion to those around them,

and contributing positively to society by serving their communities, they feel they are living successful lives. 

Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal sensitive tan

I accidentally bump into this wonderful book, which I found has rarely information on the web.

I feel grateful to sort out some part of this book words by words, and will feel the most pleasure to help you have a way to view yourself deeply by the life color questionnaire and the explanation from your very special color.

The information will let you know better about your personality, your key to successful relationships, and your talent for money, and your Career.

Which sounds wonderful isn't it!

(Since I do not own anything about the book, I will only focus on life color questionnaire & 14 colors descriptions.

If you need further details about The Occupations/11 combination colors descriptions/ Red overlay/ Relationships between different colors etc, please check on the official website and buy the book😊)

If you have interest and want to explore further information about the life color,

I would recommend you to search for the Ebook on the internet which will need you to pay within $8 as I remember.

You can go to the official website for wonderful, splendid knowledge of Aura Color, which might call you from here to your destiny life mission for sure.

All the things I had done were pure sharing without any mechanical way.

Most of all, I did get the permission from beautiful author Pamala herself to share her beautiful work here on my website, 

which really makes me feel grounded and being trusted.😭😭😭

Thank you as always, sharing lots of love to you, and please let me know if my article needs any edits to meets your team’s standards.❤️

The complete information of the book is as below:

Life color: what the colors in your aura reveal.

First printing of the revised edition, September 2000

(It's already 20years ago!!!)

ISBN-10: 0984937501

The Authors official website:



Other books by Pamala Oslie

Love Colors – A New Approach to Love, Relationships & Auras Make Your Dreams Come True

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