【個人成長】從生命彩光中找到快樂的天命- 生命色彩問卷(1)
你可以直接去讀14種生命色彩的敘述,也許你可以找出自己或親友的生命色彩或組合色彩。 做完問卷來檢視也能讓你對於你的生命色彩類型與個性有更全面性的了解。 統計14個生命色彩的總計分數,最下方會公布你的該數字所對應的色彩為何😊
【個人成長】從生命彩光中找到快樂的天命- The Beginning(0)
潘蜜拉比一般靈媒更具超能力,可以看到14種生命彩光,而一般只有七種。更可以看到11種組合色彩。 她風靡美國近30年(欸抖到現在來說可以是五十年了好強,我都還沒出生🥺),教導無數學員從氣場光環中發現自我選擇的天命,在自己的光環上開發特殊的力量與智慧,讓自己過得更快樂、更圓滿。
【Personal Growth 】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal-The Questionnaire (1)
Here comes the most important part: the life color questionnaire. This will give you a general feeling of the personality type of each aura color. Then, after taking the quiz, total the number of times that you answered yes in each category.
【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal-The Beginning(0)
I feel grateful to sort out some part of this book words by words, and will feel the most pleasure to help you have a way to view yourself deeply by the life color questionnaire and the explanation from your very special color. The information will let you know better about your personality, your key to successful relationships, and your talent for money, and your Career. Which sounds wonderful isn't it!
【Personal Growth】Life Colors, What The Colors In Your Aura Reveal- Emotional Life Color - INDIGO(15)
The following are descriptions of Indigo Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.
【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Emotional Life Color - CRYSTAL (14)
The following are descriptions of Crystal Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.
【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Emotional Life Color - LAVENDER (13)
The following are descriptions of Lavender Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.
【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Emotional Life Color -VIOLET (12)
The following are descriptions of Violet Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.
【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Emotional Life Color -BLUE (11)
The following are descriptions of Blue Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.
【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Mental Life Color - GREEN (10)
The following are descriptions of Green Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.
【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Mental Life Color -ABSTRACT TAN (9)
The following are descriptions of Abstract Tan Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.
【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Mental Life Color - SENSITIVE TAN (8)
The following are descriptions of Sensitive Tan Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.
【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Mental Life Color - ENVIRONMENTAL TAN (7)
The following are descriptions of Environmental Tan Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.
【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Mental Life Color - LOGIC TAN(6)
The following are descriptions of Logic Tan Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.
【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Physical Life Color - MAGENTA (5)
The following are descriptions of magenta Life Colors . Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.
【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Physical Life Color - YELLOW (4)
The following are descriptions of yellow Life Colors.Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.
【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Physical Life Color - ORANGE(3)
The following are descriptions of orange aura Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.
【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal-Physical Life Color-RED(2)
The following are descriptions of Red aura Life Colors. Hope that reading these descriptions will help you understand and accept yourself as you are and also help you learn how you can stay in power and balance.
【Personal Growth】Grounding, Earthing-process for reconnecting to the Earth.
By returning to a grounded, present and aware state of being, you help to keep your energy in balance.With balance in your mind, body, and spirit you’re then able to reach up and connect with higher consciousness, your guides, and angels.With love and gratitude.
【Personal Growth 】Tips and Tools to Increase Your Spiritual Connection
I use Sky Blue for cleansing abundance blockages.Green for health issues.Orange for attraction and also identity issues. Red and Gold for money issues.White and Purple for worry issues.Using candles, fresh flowers, even bowls of brightly colored fruit are wonderful ways to begin to get your energy flowing.
今年意外的遇到了貴人而有了創業的機會。雖然疫情前所未有的狀況下確實有非常多不樂觀之處,近期結束了一項合作有了許多個人感想+自我檢討; 特別留給未來的自己能記得這些心得&初衷而寫😊
因為你可能還不夠重視、在意你自己的聲音與眼光😇當然可能有,也可能沒有;我不是你,當然不會知道啊😆 但也可能更多的,僅只是我們還「不夠盡興」的重視、在意自己,如此而已。每個人對於「盡興」的定義也不同,因此這邊不多描述。我們先跳脫此時此刻的觀點,用不同的觀點來反思:「我」到底是誰?