【Personal Growth】Grounding, Earthing-process for reconnecting to the Earth.

【Personal Growth】Grounding, Earthing-process for reconnecting to the Earth.

By returning to a grounded, present and aware state of being, you help to keep your energy in balance.With balance in your mind, body, and spirit you’re then able to reach up and connect with higher consciousness, your guides, and angels.With love and gratitude.

【Personal Growth 】Tips and Tools to Increase Your Spiritual Connection

【Personal Growth 】Tips and Tools to Increase Your Spiritual Connection

I use Sky Blue for cleansing abundance blockages.Green for health issues.Orange for attraction and also identity issues. Red and Gold for money issues.White and Purple for worry issues.Using candles, fresh flowers, even bowls of brightly colored fruit are wonderful ways to begin to get your energy flowing.







【Reading Notes】AURAS:An Essay On The MEANING OF COLORS

【Reading Notes】AURAS:An Essay On The MEANING OF COLORS

An aura is an effect, not a cause.Every atom, every molecule, every group of atoms and molecules however, simple or complex, however large or small, tells the story of itself, its pattern, its purpose,through the vibrations which emanate from it.



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【YOUR DESIGN】生產者們:是時候負起責任,不該只是等待回應了!


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【YOUR DESIGN】無法眼見為憑的微中子情報


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