
【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal-Physical Life Color-RED(2)


(The description here is not the full version of the book: Relationships,Occupation, Problem solving,Sex,Parents, Children etc.

If you look for further information, please check on the official website and go buy the book!😊)

Thank you for the beautiful author Pamala again to bring this amazing work to the world ❤️


Reds are physical and sexual.

They love expressing themselves through their sensuality and their physical bodies.

They live their lives in the here-and-now with zest, strength, courage, and self-confidence.

Reds love to live in physical reality, to manipulate their environments.

Reality must be tangible to them. They must be able to see, touch, or hear it.

They are not abstract thinkers.

A wall is a wall and there is no need for further discussion or speculation.

Reality is literal, not ethereal or complicated.

Reds require proof that something exists.

It must have a concrete and tangible substance.

Reds remind us that we have bodies, that we are matter — flesh and blood.

These robust personalities enjoy the physical aspects of life.

They don’t try to see life as an illusion or try to escape from it into a fantasy world. 

Reds do not focus on spirituality.

If they have been raised to believe in God, they see God as a physical Being who is just and righteous,

not as an esoteric idea, a consciousness, or life energy.

They will go to churches or join other religious organizations because they enjoy the singing, dancing, and other physical expressions involved in the rituals of worship.

Reds are the workers with their religion —

moving pews, building churches, singing in the choir, or setting up booths for the bazaar.

They will help take care of the practical needs of the organization. 

Reds are most comfortable and alive when strength and stamina are required.

They enjoy the challenges of moving physical objects rather than dealing with mental or emotional problems.

They are the workers, able to bring the ideas of others into tangible substance

by loading and unloading boxes, moving furniture or building houses.

They are not afraid of physical labor or hard work.

These personalities are practical, realistic, hard working, and action oriented.

They love seeing the immediate results of their work. 

Reds can be refreshingly honest or brutally abrupt in their interactions.

They can be very blunt and outspoken.

They are energetic, courageous, full of stamina and endurance, optimistic, loyal, honest, and trustworthy.

In power they are slow to anger.

When they do get angry, they get over it quickly and do not hold grudges.

Reds who are out of power, 

however, become angry easily frustrated, physically explosive, and potentially dangerous.

Punching holes in walls, starting fights, or having intense sexual encounters often releases their rage. 

When Reds are in power, they find more appropriate outlets for their energy and anger, such as exercise or sports.

When hurt, Reds respond to pain in much the same way that animals do,

by withdrawing emotionally and lashing out physically. 

Reds have an almost animalistic instinct for survival.

They can sense the physical risk factors and potential dangers involved in a situation.

They instinctively know what skills and resources are needed to overcome the challenges.

They are adept at helping people survive such environmental crises as floods, fires, and earthquakes.

They exhibit raw courage in the face of danger. 

Reds can become very closed-minded, believing that the only reality is physical and that their way is the best way.

They tend to defend their feelings and thoughts.

It is a challenge for Reds to create sensitive, long- lasting relationships.

They are hard to get to know. They are usually wary of opening up or trusting others and can often be hurtful with their hard, protective shells. 

To stay in power, Reds must find acceptable outlets for their energy and their frustrations.

They need to learn when to quit and when to be persistent with their efforts.

When no amount of physical strength or endurance will keep the raging waters from flooding a town, for example, Reds continue to fight.

They hate giving up.

They can be so stubborn about staying on a course that they are not always able to see other options.

If the town is flooding, a better attitude may be, “Save what you can, then come back and rebuild.”

Their never-ending energy and stamina can often wear out others who were enlisted to help.

Reds need to learn the difference between being persistent and being stubborn.

They would also do well to temper their frankness and allow others to express their beliefs and points of view. 

Reds’ life purpose is to live in the physical world with gusto, courage, and energy.

They choose to experience life, with all it has to offer, through the five bodily sensations of touch, taste, smell, sight and sound. They also love to give substance and tangible reality to ideas and plans.

Reds understand action. They want to enjoy life as physical beings. 


Although Reds enjoy the companionship of mates,

it is challenging for them to relate to and communicate with their mates on an emotional, intimate level.

This can become frustrating to a mate who wants to bond emotionally with a Red.

Although Reds will be very loyal and hard- working providers, they do not always know how to be available on other levels. Reds are very private individuals.

They do not share their feelings easily.

They are not known to be deeply introspective.

Although Reds enjoy being around people at times, they are very guarded and cautious about getting into relationships.

They enjoy being rowdy with their drinking buddies, but then they want their solitude.

They tend to go back and forth between being loners and needing others. 

It takes a very strong, independent, self-realized person to handle the fiery personality of a Red.

This person must be able to withstand the Red’s emotional walls as well as his violent and sometimes dangerous temper.

Even though a Red will calm down as quickly as he flared up, a mate can soon become wary of his unpredictable outbursts.

The Red’s personality tends to be very compelling, forceful, and potent.

Some people enjoy Reds’ invincible power and strength.

They also love the challenge and the excitement that the unpredictable Reds add to their lives.

Most Reds are hard working, down-to-earth realists who offer an honest, practical lifestyle to their mates.

Sometimes, however, living with Reds can be compared to running with the bulls. 

Problem solving 

The Reds’ method of problem solving is action oriented — action with power and positive expectations.

Reds do not like to theorize.

Although they can be very intelligent, they would rather just put the plan into action to see if it works.

Reds prefer to work with physical problems, not mental ones.

For instance, if the piano doesn’t fit through the door,

Reds move it through an open window, widen the door, or disassemble the piano.

They don’t sit around for hours discussing the options.

They often arrive at solutions by instinct, persistence, or pure brute strength. 

When in power, Reds have the optimistic outlook that every problem has a solution,

although they may focus on fixing the symptom rather than the cause.

They will stick with the problem, trying every possible method to move the piano out of the room.

Reds usually find an option that works.

They persist even after everyone else has concluded that the situation is hopeless.

They also have the physical strength and stamina to push the rock up the mountain,

enduring beyond everyone else’s point of exhaustion.

They do not like to let their physical environment get the best of them.

They can inspire others through their sheer optimism and willingness to continue. 

Out of power, Reds can become angry and frustrated.

Others may find their never-ending need to persist and conquer intolerable.

They can wear out their teammates and in the process accuse them of being weak and useless.

Their need for conquering the opponent, overcoming the problem,

and winning at any cost can soon alienate them from those who are there to aid and support. 

When solving problems, Reds need to maintain a realistic perspective of the actual importance of the project.

Although they can usually come up with practical solutions for physical problems,

they also need to see that not every problem is best solved on a physical level.

Using force is not always the answer, not even temporarily.

(Because of their great courage and dedication, however, Reds can be dauntless heroes during wars.) 


Reds are usually very sharp in business and handle their money proficiently.

Although there are always exceptions, most Reds do not strive to be rich.

Money is not that important to them.

As long as their basic needs are met and they have some creature comforts, they are content.

Reds do like to have nice things — nice clothes, comfortable furniture, quality tools, and quality appliances.

Their lives, however, are not ruled by material possessions.

They don’t usually worry about money because they know they are self-sufficient.

They can always find jobs that can make them enough money to survive.

They see money as a real and tangible necessity, but not as something that rules their lives. 


Success for Reds is measured tangibly.

They look for immediate and concrete results from their labor.

They love to take action and to bring a plan or idea into physical manifestation.

Success is having the courage, energy, and stamina to overcome or manipulate their environment. 

I accidentally bump into this wonderful book, which I found has rarely information on the web.

I feel grateful to sort out some part of this book words by words, and will feel the most pleasure to help you have a way to view yourself deeply by the life color questionnaire and the explanation from your very special color.

The information will let you know better about your personality, your key to successful relationships, and your talent for money, and your Career.

Which sounds wonderful isn't it!

(Since I do not own anything about the book, I will only focus on life color questionnaire & 14 colors descriptions.

If you need further details about The Occupations/11 combination colors descriptions/ Red overlay/ Relationships between different colors etc, please check on the official website and buy the book😊)

If you have interest and want to explore further information about the life color,

I would recommend you to search for the Ebook on the internet which will need you to pay within $8 as I remember.

You can go to the official website for wonderful, splendid knowledge of Aura Color, which might call you from here to your destiny life mission for sure.

All the things I had done were pure sharing without any mechanical way.

Most of all, I did get the permission from beautiful author Pamala herself to share her beautiful work here on my website, 

which really makes me feel grounded and being trusted.😭😭😭

Thank you as always, sharing lots of love to you, and please let me know if my article needs any edits to meets your team’s standards.❤️

The complete information of the book is as below:

Life color: what the colors in your aura reveal.

First printing of the revised edition, September 2000

(It's already 20years ago!!!)

ISBN-10: 0984937501

The Authors official website:



Other books by Pamala Oslie

Love Colors – A New Approach to Love, Relationships & Auras Make Your Dreams Come True


雖然大家都說叫Bella的女子都很美,不過我本人是覺得這個講法有點浮誇~ 媽媽是日本人,是一個喜歡旅遊、極度多話的英日翻譯,同時也有個想飛的夢想。 人生總是處處充滿意外與神奇,一寸先は闇だ。享受每個當下就是最美好的事情了!