
【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Mental Life Color - ENVIRONMENTAL TAN (7)


(The description here is not the full version of the book: Relationships,Occupation, Problem solving,Sex,Parents, Children etc.

If you look for further information, please check on the official website and go buy the book!😊)

Thank you for the beautiful author Pamala again to bring this amazing work to the world ❤️


The Environmental Tan Life Color is a deep tan-colored band layered with a forest green-colored band.

Environmental Tans are the bridge between the physical family and the mental family.

They experience their reality by physically touching their environment and then mentally analyzing it.

(Occasionally, Yellow/Tan Combinations who have suppressed their free-spirited

Yellow aspects believe themselves to be Environmental Tans.

Yellow/Tans must find a way to reconnect with their Yellow aspects rather than live believing they are Environmental Tans.) 

Like their Logical Tan and Sensitive Tan counterparts, Environmental Tans desire security,

stability, logic, structure, and discipline.

They operate best in a world of rules, boundaries, standards, and logical outcomes that follow basic laws of cause and effect. They process life in an orderly and sequential manner just as Logical Tans do,

but they have the added ability to measure their environment from an inner perception.

These amazing personalities can intuitively analyze spatial situations.

They can sense the exact distance from one side of a room to the other just by looking at it.

They can hold something in their hands and know exactly

how much it weighs or look at a garage full of junk and know in how many and what size boxes it will all fit.

Environmental Tans relate kinesthetically and mentally to their environment.

They physically handle their surroundings and then internally and methodically process the information. 

Environmental Tans are usually serious, self-controlled personalities.

Life is not meant to be the playful, spontaneous creation that Yellows believe it to be.

Rather, it is an orderly, well-planned universe that needs to be analyzed, categorized,

and understood logically to provide the best opportunities for humankind.

Environmental Tans’ purpose for being here appears to be to analyze,

understand, and learn from three- dimensional, physical reality,

and they want the planet to be a place where modern technology fits in harmoniously with the physical environment.

Many have an innate desire to help improve or rebalance that environment. 

Environmental Tans demand reliability and dependability from their world —

everything must have a logical and rational explanation.

They make good scientists or military personnel because these fields have a solid foundation of order,

cause and effect, and predictability — a natural hierarchy or chain of command.

In power, Environmental Tans are adept at planning strategies based on logic, spatial measurements, and available resources. They meticulously calculate all the steps and details.

Their physical and mental systems can often be overloaded with too much data and information,

which can cause them physical and mental stress.

They need to absorb information in an orderly manner.

Too much happening at once means chaos.

These systematic Tans prefer their environment to be neat, clean, and orderly.

(Yellow/Tan Combinations are not usually neat and orderly.)

They need quiet time alone to analyze all the information. 

Environmental Tans are very intelligent people.

However, they frequently have trouble expressing themselves, which makes them appear aloof and unresponsive.

They tend to be quiet and shy on the outside while a great deal of information is being calculated and processed on the inside. They believe their personal lives, their thoughts, and their feelings are not anyone else’s business.

They relish their privacy and typically withdraw from crowds or social settings. 

An unusual characteristic of Environmental Tans is that many are fascinated with airplanes,

boats, submarines and other vehicles that put them in contact with their environment.

They love to sense their physical bodies in relation to altitude, velocity, and distance.

Many own their own airplanes. 

Environmental Tans see themselves according to where they fit into their environment.

They are very aware of their physical positioning, even in their offices.

They know how far from the wall their desks sit and where everything on their desks

needs to be placed to ensure the easiest accessibility. 

Life must be tangible, three-dimensional, and logical for Environmental Tans to pay much attention to it.

They are adept at taking projects, naming and categorizing them, and giving them three- dimensional substance. 

In power, Environmental Tans have a strong sense of responsibility.

They are loyal and competent workers.

Having a strong need to complete a task, they often overwork to accomplish a project.

They take their agreements and commitments seriously. 

Although Environmental Tans are independent and self-sufficient,

they are not always secure or trusting of their abilities or of their environment.

They are not always sure they have taken all the available information into consideration —

maybe they miscalculated or maybe their physical environment isn’t as safe and predictable as they have assessed it to be. Environmental Tans want their world to be dependable and reliable.

They are not risk-takers, and stepping into the unknown can cause them anxiety.

They prefer explainable and probable results. 

Out of power, Environmental Tans are not very flexible regarding their understanding of reality.

There are basic laws and standards in which they believe.

Any changes are thoroughly researched and analyzed before given consideration.

Needing logical proof at every stage can cause Environmental Tans to become obstinate and slow moving.

Like Logical Tans, they can get stuck in a rut.

By accepting only what has been proven in the past,

Environmental Tans limit themselves and cannot see broader horizons or other alternatives. 

To stay in power, Environmental Tans must be willing to step beyond what their mental and physical senses

are showing them and consider other possibilities.

They must also be willing to accept their feelings and learn to find a way to express them, at least to themselves.

This will keep them from holding in the emotional stress that can eat them up inside. 

One of the ways Environmental Tans can stay in power is to take long walks in a natural environment,

especially one where they can experience the majesty and power of nature.

Hiking and experiencing the peaceful strength of unspoiled forests and towering mountains inspires them

to see life from a greater perspective.

This seems to broaden their outlook and opens their minds to greater possibilities.

(Some more sensitive and spiritual Environmental Tans receive intuitive information by being in the presence of trees.) 


Money has tangible substance for Environmental Tans.

Its purpose is to provide security for them and their families.

Environmental Tans are loyal, dedicated workers who believe, like their Logical Tan counterparts, 

that people should work at long-term, stable jobs, earn decent wages,

keep their money in secure money market accounts, and look forward to retirement benefits. 

Environmental Tans are practical and cautious when spending or investing their money.

They are not gamblers or risk-takers when it comes to deciding the fate of their hard-earned money.

These pragmatic personalities believe they need to work for a long time to build a sturdy financial foundation.

Using their money for physical investments such as land appeals to them because land has a tangible form they can touch. They can see their hard work translated into a physical reward that creates a sense of security for them. 

Problem Solving 

Because Environmental Tans relate strongly to the physicality of the world as well as to its mental and logical aspects,

they solve problems most effectively by simultaneously collecting and scrutinizing the data

and physically sensing the solution in their bodies.

It’s as if they have an internal sensing device that gives them technical readings and feedback.

They can walk the grounds of an archeological site and not only logically figure out where another structure may be buried,

but also locate the site through sensations in their bodies.

Environmental Tans use a combination of mental and physical senses to figure out solutions.

When planning military strategies, they move markers on maps to sense whether these maneuvers will be successful. 

Environmental Tans are cautious decision-makers, weighing all the facts and possibilities before committing to a plan of action. When they are in power, they eventually are able to analyze enough data to draw a conclusion and recommend a solution.

If they are out of power, they become stuck in their habitual past solutions.

When the same methods are no longer appropriate or useful, confusion and mental dilemmas may result.

To stay in power, they must figure out ways to introduce new variables into the equation. 


Environmental Tans consider themselves successful if they are able to develop a secure and stable lifestyle

for themselves and their families and improve the environment through the combined use of intellect and technology. Environmental Tan farmers are satisfied when they are able to financially

provide for their families while they work with the soil and provide quality food for people.

Environmental Tan researchers are pleased when they are able to produce a system that replaces valuable nutrients

in an exhausted and abused environment.

Environmental Tan employees feel successful if they make intelligent,

rational, and practical decisions that result in profits for their employers. 

I accidentally bump into this wonderful book, which I found has rarely information on the web.

I feel grateful to sort out some part of this book words by words, and will feel the most pleasure to help you have a way to view yourself deeply by the life color questionnaire and the explanation from your very special color.

The information will let you know better about your personality, your key to successful relationships, and your talent for money, and your Career.

Which sounds wonderful isn't it!

(Since I do not own anything about the book, I will only focus on life color questionnaire & 14 colors descriptions.

If you need further details about The Occupations/11 combination colors descriptions/ Red overlay/ Relationships between different colors etc, please check on the official website and buy the book😊)

If you have interest and want to explore further information about the life color,

I would recommend you to search for the Ebook on the internet which will need you to pay within $8 as I remember.

You can go to the official website for wonderful, splendid knowledge of Aura Color, which might call you from here to your destiny life mission for sure.

All the things I had done were pure sharing without any mechanical way.

Most of all, I did get the permission from beautiful author Pamala herself to share her beautiful work here on my website, 

which really makes me feel grounded and being trusted.😭😭😭

Thank you as always, sharing lots of love to you, and please let me know if my article needs any edits to meets your team’s standards.❤️

The complete information of the book is as below:

Life color: what the colors in your aura reveal.

First printing of the revised edition, September 2000

(It's already 20years ago!!!)

ISBN-10: 0984937501

The Authors official website:



Other books by Pamala Oslie

Love Colors – A New Approach to Love, Relationships & Auras Make Your Dreams Come True


雖然大家都說叫Bella的女子都很美,不過我本人是覺得這個講法有點浮誇~ 媽媽是日本人,是一個喜歡旅遊、極度多話的英日翻譯,同時也有個想飛的夢想。 人生總是處處充滿意外與神奇,一寸先は闇だ。享受每個當下就是最美好的事情了!