
【Personal Growth】Life Colors, what the colors in your aura reveal- Physical Life Color - MAGENTA (5)


(The description here is not the full version of the book: Relationships,Occupation, Problem solving,Sex,Parents, Children etc.

If you look for further information, please check on the official website and go buy the book!😊)

Thank you for the beautiful author Pamala again to bring this amazing work to the world ❤️


Magentas are the nonconformists in the aura spectrum and are not commonly found on the planet these days.

They are usually seen as bizarre loners.

They see life from a different and unusual perspective.

They don’t choose to abide by society’s mores.

These individualistic thinkers consider following the crowd to be boring and restrictive.

They prefer to live beyond restrictions and limitations.

Peer pressure has no effect on them. They follow the beat of their own drummers. 

Magentas are very intelligent.

They are also innovative and creative, fascinated by the latest gadgets and inventions.

Often inventors themselves, Magentas love to figure out new ways of doing things.

They enjoy creating bizarre, controversial objects that are arty, trendy — or even beyond trendy.

Their imagination knows no limits. They do, however, deal with the tangibles on the planet.

They like taking physical substance and stretching it into new forms that go beyond what people consider normal.

Their art is unique and outlandish — Andy Warhol is a good example of a creative Magenta. 

In power, Magentas have the willingness and courage to set their own styles.

They love change, to go beyond the traditional and the familiar.

They love to shock people, to shake them from their ordinary, humdrum existence.

For example, Magentas will walk down the street wearing wild clothes and purple Mohawk haircuts.

Other people don’t usually have the nerve or the desire to live the lifestyle of the Magenta.

Magentas act on unusual ideas, trying new things just for the experience.

In power, Magentas accept and appreciate themselves and allow others to be themselves.

They are generally happy and optimistic, and they prefer to look at life with a sense of humor.

These unique personalities tend to be strong willed and determined to live life exactly the way they want to. 

Out of power, Magentas can feel despondent, isolated, and lonely.

Conforming to the crowd is unbearable for them and can cause severe depression.

Yet, having friends is usually dependent upon their conforming to a certain degree.

When they are out of power, Magentas don’t live true to their own curious, innovative style.

This creates low self- esteem, boredom, and despair.

They lose their desire to experience life,

which then seems like a burden or a punishment instead of the joyful experience they know it can be.

To stay in power, Magentas have to love and accept themselves, give themselves permission to be different,

see life from their own unusual perspective, and allow themselves to act on their creative impulses. 

Because of their outrageous behavior, Magentas prefer to live in large,

crowded cities where they don’t stand out as much and aren’t pressured to conform.

These free spirits aren’t usually concerned about what others think,

but in large cities they are more apt to have the freedom to express themselves. 

These liberal personalities do not usually join organizations.

They do not want to be limited by rules or expectations. They are not ones for structure.

They are not followers, nor do they want the responsibility of being leaders.

They set their own pace, create fun for themselves and others, and then go their own way.

They lead the way only by creating a hole in the wall of accepted limitations and boundaries.

By stepping beyond these boundaries, they encourage others to go beyond their self- imposed restrictions as well. 

Laughter and the absurd appeal to Magentas.

Their strange sense of humor is often twisted and eccentric.

They are also very outspoken. Magentas love being the center of attention.

(The character of Auntie Mame is a perfect example of the outrageous Magenta.)

They love entertaining people — acting, performing, and creating outrageous trends.

In power, they like all kinds of people and can be comfortable with anyone they meet.

Their assortment of friends can be as wild and eclectic as their taste in clothes or home decorating —

and the more outrageous, the better.

They can have trouble, however, keeping intimate friends.

They don’t like being responsible for or tied down by friends.

They prefer their relationships to be free and easy.

Being emotionally responsible for anyone is too confining. 

Although they like people, they are usually loners because most people cannot

relate to their outrageous and bizarre way of thinking.

Although people can be amused and entertained for a while by Magentas,

most people eventually become embarrassed by their bizarre behavior.

Magentas’ biggest challenge is dealing with the loneliness of being misunderstood and socially unaccepted. 

Magentas are free spirits. They love to travel, talk with people, explore different cultures, and experience life to its fullest.

They are always thinking of something new and different to do.

However, they will invest their time only in those things they find interesting. 

Because Magentas are not interested in discipline and order, their lives can become very confused.

They can have trouble remembering to pay the bills — even when they have enough money to do so. 

Magentas’ life purpose is to explore the new and to experiment outside normal, everyday boundaries.

They strive to keep life from becoming complacent.

They love to keep us questioning and pushing beyond our accepted limits, to keep us from being satisfied with the status quo. 

(Many Yellow/Violet aura combinations think they are Magentas because they have so many similar qualities and experiences. Magentas tend to focus on and enjoy the strangeness of the physical world.

They are not concerned about spirituality or about humanitarian or environmental causes the way Yellow/Violets are.

Magentas prefer to live in busy cities.

Yellows prefer to live in more natural environments.

Read also about the life purposes of Yellows and Violets to discover which are your real Life Colors.) 

Problem solving 

Problem solving for Magentas is often innovative and outrageous.

In power they can tackle situations from a unique perspective, one that can also seem unrealistic or impractical to others. Typically, Magentas surprise people by actualizing their zany ideas into physical reality.

Out of power, Magentas can be so depressed, confused, and lost that they have no interest or energy to deal with problems. When humorously reminded of the absurdity of life, Magentas usually come back to life. 


Magentas can be practical about earning money.

They know they need it to pay the bills, though they don’t want to be run by it or work just because society says they must. They prefer to live life in the here-and- now, not put off living until after they retire.

Consequently, they like to work at jobs that pay large sums of money.

Then they will quit, take the money they have earned, and go on extended vacations.

They will take other jobs only after they run out of money. 

Magentas always seem able to make the money they need.

They buy the necessities and play with the rest. They love to buy the unusual.

Money allows them to try new things, but it is not essential because they will always find ways to do what they want. 


Magentas judge their success by how much freedom of expression

they have and how far they can go beyond society’s standards. 

I accidentally bump into this wonderful book, which I found has rarely information on the web.

I feel grateful to sort out some part of this book words by words, and will feel the most pleasure to help you have a way to view yourself deeply by the life color questionnaire and the explanation from your very special color.

The information will let you know better about your personality, your key to successful relationships, and your talent for money, and your Career.

Which sounds wonderful isn't it!

(Since I do not own anything about the book, I will only focus on life color questionnaire & 14 colors descriptions.

If you need further details about The Occupations/11 combination colors descriptions/ Red overlay/ Relationships between different colors etc, please check on the official website and buy the book😊)

If you have interest and want to explore further information about the life color,

I would recommend you to search for the Ebook on the internet which will need you to pay within $8 as I remember.

You can go to the official website for wonderful, splendid knowledge of Aura Color, which might call you from here to your destiny life mission for sure.

All the things I had done were pure sharing without any mechanical way.

Most of all, I did get the permission from beautiful author Pamala herself to share her beautiful work here on my website, 

which really makes me feel grounded and being trusted.😭😭😭

Thank you as always, sharing lots of love to you, and please let me know if my article needs any edits to meets your team’s standards.❤️

The complete information of the book is as below:

Life color: what the colors in your aura reveal.

First printing of the revised edition, September 2000

(It's already 20years ago!!!)

ISBN-10: 0984937501

The Authors official website:



Other books by Pamala Oslie

Love Colors – A New Approach to Love, Relationships & Auras Make Your Dreams Come True


雖然大家都說叫Bella的女子都很美,不過我本人是覺得這個講法有點浮誇~ 媽媽是日本人,是一個喜歡旅遊、極度多話的英日翻譯,同時也有個想飛的夢想。 人生總是處處充滿意外與神奇,一寸先は闇だ。享受每個當下就是最美好的事情了!